7 Reasons to (Re)Consider Christianity (audiobook)

7 Reasons to (Re)Consider Christianity (audiobook)

Examine the evidence for Christianity and why it is worth considering.

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Many people assume that Christianity is simply a nice story for kids, a comforting crutch to lean on, or completely out of touch with modern life.

In this warm, honest book, Ben Shaw invites sceptical readers to think again. He outlines seven reasons why Christianity is worth considering—or reconsidering—not least because it offers some thought-provoking and rational answers to our deepest questions.

Ben Shaw was brought up in a non-Christian home and held many of the common objections to faith himself. He writes with warmth and empathy to encourage readers to investigate the person of Jesus and decide for themselves whether Christianity has credible answers to the meaning of life.

Product details


  • Introduction
    1. Because It's Worth Thinking Through What Life Is Really All About
    2. Because the Christian Faith Is More Intellectually Credible Than You Think
    3. Because Christianity Is About Life to the Fullest
    4. Because Christianity Gives a Compelling Assessment of What's Wrong With the World
    5. Because Jesus Is Arguably the Most Influential Person Who Has Ever Lived
    6. Because the Death of Jesus Is Actually Surprisingly Good News for You
    7. Because If Jesus Really Did Rise From the Dead, Then It Confirms Everything
    What Next?


Contributors Ben Shaw, John Dickson
ISBN 9781784989613
Format Audiobook
First published April 2021
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company
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