A Brief Theology of Periods (Yes, really) (ebook)

A Brief Theology of Periods (Yes, really) ebook

An Adventure for the Curious into Bodies, Womanhood, Time, Pain and Purpose—and How to Have a Better Time of the Month

from 7 reviews

What does the Bible say about periods?

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The average woman has 500 periods in her lifetime. And whether yours are mildly annoying, utterly debilitating or emotionally complicated, most of us have at one time or another asked: Why?!

This warm, light-hearted, real, honest and at times surprising book gives a biblical perspective on menstruation, as well as a whole lot more. Beginning with periods, Rachel Jones takes readers on an adventure in theology, weaving together wide-ranging reflections on the nature of our bodies, the passing of time, the purpose of pain, and the meaning of life.

One thing is for sure: you’ve never read a Christian book quite like this one.

Whether you’re in need of hope and help, or are just downright curious, you’ll be refreshed and encouraged by this book. As Rachel puts it, “Whoever you are, my aim is that you reach the end of this book celebrating who God has made you, how God has saved you, and the fact that he speaks liberating and positive truth into all of life’s experiences (even periods)”.

Rachel Jones is a Bible teacher, editor at The Good Book Company, conference speaker and award-winning author.

A free 'host guide' containing Bible studies and discussion guides is available as a downloadable PDF for those who want to discuss this subject more widely in small groups.

Product details


  • Intro: So Many Reasons
    1. So Much Potential
    2. So Much Pain
    3. So Much Mess
    4. So Many Feelings
    5. So Little Time
    Outro: Nothing but the Blood
    Q+A section


Contributors Rachel Jones
ISBN 9781784986223
Format eBook
First published April 2021
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company

Jen Wilkin

Author, None Like Him and Women of the Word

One of my favorite scenes in the Gospels is when Jesus explains salvation to Nicodemus. Without a hint of awkwardness or hesitation, he employs the metaphor of female reproduction: womb, water, and blood. Yet, in the church today, the female reproductive cycle is still regarded as taboo to speak of, let alone to ponder in relation to our faith. I’m deeply grateful that Rachel Jones has endeavored to dignify what God has architected and to help us consider what we might learn from that design. As the prevailing culture dismantles the categories of male and female before our eyes, Rachel shows us how precious the gift of our female biology is, and all the more for the theology it illustrates.

Rebecca McLaughlin

Author, Confronting Christianity

Most Christians throughout history—regardless of time or culture—have had one oft-neglected thing in common: periods. In this energetic and helpful book, Rachel Jones thinks theologically about the
quiet drumbeat of female experience and orients us toward God in the midst of things that might feel painful, shameful, or emotionally charged. Whether periods play a big part in your life or no part at
all, you will find biblical wisdom in this book that will help you navigate your own experiences or support those you love in theirs.

Linda Allcock

Author, Deeper Still

Clever, theologically robust, and with real depth, A Brief Theology of Periods digs into what it means to be a woman from a fascinating angle. This is, though, not just for women—everyone will find this book illuminating in a profoundly helpful way.

Independent reviews

"It has made me a more caring husband, a more compassionate brother in the faith, a better man."

Jonny Ivey, 4 May 2021

Two questions which you may be asking. Number one: Why write a Christian book about periods? Number two: Why are you, a man, reviewing a book about periods? I’ll let Jones answer for herself: ‘The incredible thing about God’s word is that it truly speaks to all of life.’ I’ll take number two: because I have a wife. And she has periods. Even if I didn’t, as a man, I have a lot to learn.... continue reading


This theological book is helpful for husbands and dads too (yes, really!)

Andy Cassler, 10 May 2021

You should know that this isn’t a women’s health book. Yes, there’s some biology here and there; but it’s primarily a work of theology, which means it’s a book about God, how God made women, how Jesus is present in suffering, how Jesus makes us clean and takes our shame, what it looks like for Christ to be our life day-by-day and month-by-month, and what aging (think menopause) means about this life and the life to come.... continue reading

Customer reviews

28 Nov 2021

“Excellent and Important”

(Review written for 'A Brief Theology of Periods (Yes, really)')

As a woman who has had many ups and downs on my path during menstration, I was so refreshed by this book!

I have been somewhat blindly-led through period (and later, fertility) difficulties by our culture and it’s medical approach only to have my concerns mostly ignored, morally and physically. I was bombarded most especially by the commoditization of child-conception (during my multiple rounds of infertility…thankfully still blessed with 2 boys so far) and a complete lack of entrusting my body to do what it was made by God to do naturally.

I have found peace in working to listen to my body and help resolve obstacles to my overall health as a woman in a way that acknowledges my God-given, image-bearing, and uniquely feminine body and it’s impact on my spirit and mind.

Then I saw this book! I wish I had come across it earlier (though it was just written) as a Christian voice on this topic is sorely missing. Looking back, I see the Christian perspective on a woman’s cycle as crucial to many important decisions in life that I only recently came to realize. The author helped outline the Christian worldview that should underpin all of life’s aging and reproductive processes. A worldview that we much seek out and cling to as Christians in a growing secular world.

The lesson about the significance of blood is one every Bible student should cherish because without a full appreciation for our cleansing through Christ, we miss how hopeless we were without His cleansing. The author’s simple explanation of the symbolism of blood and the transition to the New Covenant are valuable aspects of the big picture of the Bible that any Christian reader would benefit from.

While I had walked the path laid out in this book the hard way, coming to appreciate the gift of my cycle only after fighting against it and controlling it for most of my life up until 32, I hope that others may find it through the beauty of the outline in this book!

3 Nov 2021

“Unexpectedly encouraging”

(Review written for 'A Brief Theology of Periods (Yes, really)')

Although I’m 10 years post-menopausal, the topic of periods still interests me, and I was curious about how a Christian publisher would tackle it. Still, I requested a review copy of "A Brief Theology of Periods (Yes, Really)" with a bit of trepidation.

What with infertility, severe endometriosis requiring multiple surgeries, difficult perimenopause and early menopause, my reproductive system—including my monthly cycle—has been a thorn in my side for most of my adult life. Author Rachel Jones is a couple of decades younger and doesn’t seem to suffer from the same maladies that have affected me, so I wondered whether I would be able to relate to what she had to say.

I needn’t have worried. Jones isn’t just writing to women who get a little grumpy and bloated every 28 days or so (although she has much to say to them too). Where she lacks personal experience, she brings in other voices to help. Her tone is lighthearted when appropriate, but also practical and empathetic. True to her title, she writes of periods from a thoroughly biblical perspective—in light of the fall and the cross, as well as through the lens of eternity.

A good decade after my last period, I didn’t realize there were tender spots in my heart that still needed to be healed regarding this topic. The entire book is good, but I found the chapter titled “So Much Pain” to be especially cathartic and encouraging.

If you struggle with your periods (or, like me, struggled mightily with them in the past), I highly recommend this little pink book.

8 Sep 2021

“Helpful, Clear Book on Periods”

(Review written for 'A Brief Theology of Periods (Yes, really)')

This book was really helpful and answered several questions I had about periods. I enjoyed her clear research and well thought out responses to commonly asked questions/Bible passages (i.e, Lev 15). She did a really good job of being gracious, allowing for Christian freedom in answering some questions, and being hopeful!

1 Aug 2021

“Absolutely fabulous”

(Review written for 'A Brief Theology of Periods (Yes, really)')

This is an absolutely fabulous book! I bought 10 extra copies to give to friends. Jones has written insightfully and faithfully about women and Christ. Hoping for more works of this level of accessibility and theological acumen from Jones and Good Book soon. Maybe this could be the beginning of a series of “A Brief Theology of …”?

4 Jul 2021

“Accessible, imaginative and not gross”

(Review written for 'A Brief Theology of Periods (Yes, really)')

I bought this out of curiosity, and with low expectations but found it to be an excellent book and a much-needed voice at a time when 'period pride' and 'period power' are increasingly mainstream. This book helps the reader consider all the impacts of periods: the time they take up, the pain, the mess, the cost, the emotions and the purpose of them. Rachel Jones points us to comfort and assurance, reminding us that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" without ever telling us to grin and bear it or - heaven forbid! - man up. She challenges our attitudes to weakness, shame, and pain without coming down too hard on the side of either resignation or celebration and I appreciated her examination of periods in the Bible and what we can learn from that. The final chapter addresses the perimenopause and ageing what these can mean for identity and sense of self. I would love to see a book on this! I particularly recommend this book for anyone who hates having periods and anyone who has never considered just what most women go through every month but really there is something for everyone - male and female - in here.

12 Jun 2021

“A great read”

(Review written for 'A Brief Theology of Periods (Yes, really)')

I have to admit that I bought this book out of pure curiosity. It is an easy and enjoyable read, although there are many parts that could impact individuals deeply, depending on their own particular life circumstances. It has been written sensitively to cover all possibilities, as well as with a good sprinkling of humour. This is a book that I would love to share with many of my friends - and I hope to encourage our ministry team to read it too.

2 May 2021

“Just what we need”

(Review written for 'A Brief Theology of Periods (Yes, really)')

This book is encouraging and lighthearted whilst exploring a wide range of really difficult topics that so many of us women struggle with throughout our lives. There are many relatable little moments, but each one spurs us on to look at God's big plan and how wonderful it is to clearly be part of it. It's a book I'm going to be sharing with all my girlfriends, and even encouraging the guys to read! And as each month brings a new reminder, it's not a book I'm likely to forget any time soon!

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A Brief Theology of Periods (Yes, really) (ebook) | Rachel Jones |