The Big Wide Welcome Art and Activity Book

Packed with Puzzles, Art and Activities

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Colouring and activity book based around The Big Wide Welcome Bible storybook.

Part of the Tales That Tell the Truth series.

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This colouring and activity book contains 32 pages of colouring, puzzles, mazes and activities for children 4-8 years old.

It is based around The Big Wide Welcome Bible Storybook by Trillia Newbell, illustrated by Catalina Echeverri, which uses the Bible’s teaching on favouritism from James chapter 2 to encourage children to love and welcome people regardless of their wealth, personality or background, just like Jesus does.

Product details


  • The Big Wide Welcome Activity Book


Age range: 4+
Contributors Trillia J. Newbell, Catalina Echeverri
ISBN 9781802540444
Format Paperback
First published January 2023
Dimensions 210mm x 297mm x 2.2mm
Weight 0.11 kg
Language English
Pages 32
Publisher The Good Book Company
Customer reviews

4 Jan 2023

“Kids Loved It”

Christmas break. Break for whom, exactly? The kids are not in school and used to an entire day of structured activities. Boredom abounds. This year, my wife and I decided to do an extended Christmas. We put up the Christmas tree the weekend that the school break began and every morning under the tree my kids (ages 5 and 3) would have one present each to unwrap. Most of these presents were small things—candy they didn’t normally have, bubbles, ingredients to a food they could help make, and so on. And, of course, books. I’ve long been a fan of The Good Book Company’s children’s books and their additions of colouring/activity books gave us several days of fun.

The Big Wide Welcome colouring and activity book is meant to accompany Trillia Newbell’s book of the same name in the Tales That Tell The Truth series. It takes the words of the book to recreate the story; recreates some of the illustrations as coloring pages; and inserts some mazes, word searches, and matching games. It’s a wonderful accompaniment to the main book, allowing your child a little more freedom to play roughly with the physical book.

If you’re like me, there are some children’s books you just let your child have and you understand that they’re going to have a limited shelf life. Pages will get torn. Perhaps eaten. You never know. Other children’s books, the ones you really like, come down from the tall shelves for supervised reading time only. They’re the books you want to last forever. Tales That Tell The Truth is one such series. By creating a more-disposable activity book, The Good Book Company is allowing me to have the best of both worlds. My kids can have a version of the story to color in, to take to their rooms, to engage with physically. And I can have a version to read to them over and over again and keep in good condition. It’s a winning concept for sure.

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The Big Wide Welcome Art and Activity Book | Trillia J. Newbell, Catalina Echeverri |