Outlining the Christian view of the afterlife clearly and simply from the Bible
Part of the Questions Christians Ask series.
We all have questions about death. Despite the strong assurance the Bible gives us about life beyond the grave, Christians are often troubled by other questions. What will happen on the day of judgement? Will we have bodies in heaven? Will there be rewards?
Marcus Nodder brings clarity to an area where many Christians are confused, and shows that there is much that we can say for sure from the Bible. Highly accessible and suitable for all Christians.
Part of the Questions Christians Ask series: a range of short, simple books designed to help Christians understand what God has said about these questions and many more in the Bible.
1. Why is death a problem?
2. How can I be sure?
3. What will happen to my body?
4. What will it be like to die?
5. How do we cope with bereavement?
6. What will life be like in eternity?
Contributors | Marcus Nodder |
ISBN | 9781908762337 |
Format | Paperback |
Dimensions | 110mm x 178mm x 8mm |
Weight | 0.09 kg |
Print size | 9.0pt |
Language | English |
Pages | 96 |
Publisher | The Good Book Company |
This book grapples with some difficult questions about death and what lies beyond. In a clear and direct manner, it explains biblical teaching and uses contemporary illustrations and observations to show its relevance. Cutting through misconceptions and false beliefs, Marcus Nodder challenges us to take seriously what God has actually revealed on this all-important topic.
Our experiences in life may vary greatly, but what we all have in common is that one day we will die; and it is essential to know what happens when we do. The good news is we can know. In this book Marcus Nodder works through key biblical passages clearly showing us what happens after death. Marcus' pastoral heart and considerable experience is evident as he answers the common questions that many of us have about death, heaven, and judgment. Whether you believe in God or not, you will benefit greatly from the short time it takes to read this book.
Reading a book on death that makes you glad to die means it must be a good book! At least, if not wanting to die prematurely, it breathed a quiet firm confidence that when that day inevitably comes, the sting of death has gone! Marcus Nodder writes boldly, yet sensitively. We are left in no doubt that certain crucial issues must be faced before death, so that certain crucial confidences can be anticipated after death. The ground of such hope is not wishful thinking, but the person, work and promises of Jesus Christ. This book is excellent for those facing their own mortality, for those who are bereaved, but especially for those who think death is just switching off a light. The truth is so much bigger than that, and the possibilities so much more wonderful!
This is not an academic book, written in ignorance of the pain of death. It’s a book that integrates the promises of God with the experience of death. He begins by reflecting on the death of his dad, and I immediately warmed to the author as one who would empathise with people’s experiences.... continue reading
This title – in the series 'Questions Christians ask' – is aimed at sustaining and encouraging the believer in their future hope, and challenging the seeker. Practical related questions such as 'Are ghosts for real?' and 'Cremation or burial?' are addressed in turn at the end of each chapter, and plentiful quotes from diverse sources make the whole very readable.... continue reading
Another fantastic book from this series. When "life after death" and "what we'll come back as" came up over dinner with unbelieving friends they were quite struck by the certainty of my response that we can be raised to life AS OURSELVES but without any of the broken bits!! Possible because Jesus has done it! I was able to answer with confidence because of what I read here about what the bible teaches. Thank you.
Helpful and reassuring as I have recently lost my Christian husband. Also helpful to pass to a non believer. The whole Christian teaching was clearly explained. Excellent.
I wish this book had been around a few years ago when I was dealing with the death of a Christian loved one. I found it a hugely encouraging summary on the Bible's teaching on death and a big challenge to face up to one of society's taboos. I have already bought copies for believing friends and would recommend it.
I bought this book following the death of a close believing relative. I wanted a book to give to grieving relatives who were asking questions about what happens after death. Personally I found the book rather depressing, with its initial emphasis on hell more than heaven. I decided not to give it to the relatives but have spoken to them about heaven instead. I do not agree it was 'warm and pastorally sensitive' as in a previous review.
An excellent treatment of this subject
what a brilliant book! Having read it, I immediately ordered 10 more copies to give away. It is clear, concise and suitable for Christians & unbelievers: free of jargon & Christian language, it is easy to understand, and pulls together teaching on what happens after death from many parts of the Bible. It addresses the questions people frequently ask, and gives simple straightforward answers. Very Biblical, warm & pastorally sensitive. The best book I have come across on this subject especially for friends not familiar with the Bible.