Hope in an Anxious World (ebook)

Hope in an Anxious World ebook

6 Truths For When Things Feel Overwhelming

from 4 reviews

Words of help and hope form the Bible for both Christians and non-Christians who feel anxious.

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Whether mildly, moderately or severely, feeling anxious is something most of us experience at some point in our lives. It drags us down and it leaves us unequipped for the day ahead.

This short, sympathetic and warm book will help both Christian and non-Christian readers understand anxiety better, learn some useful techniques to cope with it and, most importantly, show how the living God can liberate us from its grip.

Whether you are used to reading about God or not even sure if he really exists (or if he cares about your anxiety in any meaningful way), this book has precious words of encouragement for you.

“As you read, it is my prayer that you will come to see real hope and take the first few steps in a lifetime of change.” Helen Thorne, author.

Ideal for giving away to those who are feeling anxious—whether Christian or non-Christian.

Product details


  • Section One: An Anxious World
    1. Living the Dream?
    2. Living in the Real World
    3. Living Day by Day
    4. Living for More

  • Section Two: Hope in the Face of Anxiety's Lies
    5. Lie #1: I'm All Alone
    6. Lie #2: Everything Is Out of Control
    7. Lie #3: I Have No Way of Knowing Where to Turn
    8. Lie #4: I Can't Carry On
    9. Lie #5: This Is All My Fault
    10. Lie #6: There's No Hope for Me


Contributors Helen Thorne–Allenson
ISBN 9781784986278
Format eBook
First published May 2021
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company

J. Alasdair Groves

Executive Director, Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation; coauthor, Untangling Emotions

Some books on anxiety make you feel the author really gets anxiety. Others offer clear and helpful solutions. Hope in an Anxious World does both. Simple, clear and accessible, this book reorients us in our anxiety with highly practical advice, showing what we can learn from psychology’s experience and then majoring on the deep wellsprings of help and hope found in the Scriptures.

Joanna Jackson

Director of Counselling, All Souls Counselling Service

This book is packed full of understanding and encouragement for our battle with anxiety. It not only takes the best self-help strategies but goes further by addressing the lies that lurk behind anxiety and by helping us to hear what God says in response. It is accessible and engaging for both Christians and others who are willing to see what wisdom the Bible has for addressing anxiety. It is a book that I will be returning to myself, and I will be recommending it to all those who struggle with anxieties—big and small.

Timothy Lane

author of How People Change; President of the Institute for Pastoral Care

Helen Thorne has provided a concise and helpful guide to managing your anxiety. As a struggler herself, she wisely pays attention to both body and soul while being a compas- sionate voice that you will relate to. Practical techniques coupled with a strong Redeemer are just what we need and what she offers.

Customer reviews

Ruth Clemence
4 Mar 2023

“Hope for anyone who is anxious”

(Review written for 'Hope in an Anxious World')

Many people are struggling with their mental health, especially anxiety. We are living in very anxious times and it could be given to anyone who is afflicted with anxious thoughts and feelings. Helen writes with grace, compassion, wisdom and knowledge as a trained counsellor. Her writing puts the reader at ease, whilst providing helpful information about anxiety, practical tips to cope, and points ultimately to God who is our true hope in an anxious world.

Marie Tatterson
17 Dec 2022

“This book is what I needed. And I’m reading it everyday.”

(Review written for 'Hope in an Anxious World')

I’m very glad that I’d had ordered this book.

Rob Green
24 May 2022

“Super helpful short readable chapters”

(Review written for 'Hope in an Anxious World')

Super helpful. Surprisingly Easy-to-read for such a sensitive topic.
7-10minutes per chapter, Personably insightful.
Will speak to the hearts of everyone, while it feeling like it’s speaking just to you.
I have already given copies to 3 people and I will come back to it again very soon.

Gerardine Stockford
28 May 2021

“A great encouragement”

(Review written for 'Hope in an Anxious World')

I bought this book because as a mother I have suffered the consequences of having a highly anxious daughter and I thought it might be helpful. It surpassed my expectations. Because it is written by someone who has suffered herself and therefore understands completely the struggles, the pain, the effects on others and the way anxiety can cause people to go to any lengths to remove the problem. I found it so helpful in understanding why my daughter had been behaving the way she had, and in continuing to understand the issues for her. It is a must read for anyone who is suffering from anxiety or for any parent who has children suffering from it. It removes the lie that if you are Christian you shouldn't be suffering with such things but also gives encouragement that it doesn't need to stay that way, whilst at the same time acknowledging that becoming a following of Christ does not mean that suddenly the anxiety will go. For many, it will be a case of managing the anxiety better and some will overcome the difficulties more than others. But the book looks at six lies which people with anxiety can end up believing and she wonderfully destroys these with hope from God's promises in the scriptures. I found it so enlightening, encouraging, engaging and spiritually uplifting.

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Hope in an Anxious World (ebook) | Helen Thorne–Allenson |