5 Things to Pray for Your Heart (ebook)

5 Things to Pray for Your Heart ebook

Prayers That Change You to Be More Like Jesus

from 4 reviews

Pray for genuine, deep and astonishing Christian growth in 21 areas of life.

Part of the 5 Things to Pray series.

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Every Christian wants to be more like Jesus—and, wonderfully, that's what God wants for us too: "It is God’s will that you should be sanctified" (1 Thessalonians 4 v 3).

How will that happen? Only by asking God to transform us from the inside out—because real heart change comes not by our own willpower, but by the Spirit's power.

Too often though our prayer lives are reduced to shopping-list-style-requests or desperate pleas to get through the day. But this little guide will help you to pray for genuine, deep and astonishing Christian growth, in your own life or somebody else's. These are prayers your heavenly Father loves to answer—because they're based on his word.

Each spread takes a passage of Scripture and suggests 5 things to pray for a particular area of your Christian life. Because when we pray in line with God's priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)—and that's a truly thrilling prospect.

Use this book to:
• Guide your prayers during your personal quiet times
• Kick-start your prayers for your own growth in godliness
• Pray meaningfully for your Christian spouse, family members or friends
• Equip your church small-group members to pray for one another more deeply

Use this book in any number of ways: work through it as part of your daily quiet time, or pick it up whenever a particular need arises.

Product details


  • Series introduction
    Praying that I would grow in…

  • Praying that I would be…
    A learner
    A teacher
    A worker
    A worshipper
    A friend
    An ambassador

  • Praying that I would grow like Jesus when I'm…
    Getting older


Contributors Rachel Jones
ISBN 9781784983383
Format eBook
First published April 2018
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company

Other information

This popular series is designed to boost your prayer life by giving you fresh ideas of what to pray for. Each chapter takes a passage of Scripture and looks at how it can influence how we pray for a specific issue. Be excited by how our prayers really can change things when they are based on God’s word.

Customer reviews

Apostle Amukowa
2 May 2020


(Review written for '5 Things to Pray for Your Heart')

This is very touchy SBD practical in helping the heart get connected to God

Denise Parrett
31 Jan 2020

“Prayer based on scripture”

(Review written for '5 Things to Pray for Your Heart')

Love this series of books particularly '5 things to pray for your heart'. Using short passages from scripture is great way of guiding you in topics to pray for your own spiritual growth. We have used for small prayer meetings and are now going to hand out to newly formed prayer triplets. Recommend it!

Rob Green
22 Nov 2018

“Wonderfully practically helpful for everyone”

(Review written for '5 Things to Pray for Your Heart')

Ever drift off while praying? Ever feel you should do better than a prayer shopping list? This is a Wonderfully practical book. I can’t think of anyone this would not help. Takes us to scripture and guides us in praying to our loving Father for things that really matter. For “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart”. I heartily recommend this and the rest of this series.

Nicole Hardy
21 Jun 2018

“Helpful for Personal Growth and Devotion”

I have found this book very helpful in directing my prayers for my own growth, development and devotion. The topics are relevant and the scripture texts give a solid foundation.

I've found a day's portion to be just the right length, neither too brief nor too long-winded, and have really enjoyed and looked forward to my reading each day.

I would certainly recommend this book for anyone wanting to pray into areas they might not have specifically covered before, and I will be checking out the other books in the series soon.

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5 Things to Pray for Your Heart (ebook) | Rachel Jones |