Finding My Father (ebook)

Finding My Father ebook

How the Gospel Heals the Pain of Fatherlessness

By Blair Linne, foreword by Mark Dever
from 5 reviews

A personal story of learning to trust our heavenly Father when you feel your earthly father has let you down.

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Blair Linne’s personal story of growing up without a father at home reflects the experiences of millions. She weaves her personal story with thoughtful theological reflection, inviting readers to learn from God what "father" really means and to trust him, even if they feel their earthly father has let them down.

This book will help readers to shift their eyes from what they do not have in their earthly fathers (who, whether present or absent, loving or the opposite, can never be perfect) to what they do have in their eternal Father, who will never disappoint, reject or abandon them.

Readers will see that the gospel promises not just forgiveness but also a place in God's family, experienced in a local church, where they can enjoy the fullness of his fatherly joy, care, wisdom, provision, protection and security.

Also includes a chapter by Blair’s husband, the Christian hip-hop artist Shai, on his own story of fatherlessness and faith.

Product details


  • 1. Partly Cloudy, Mostly Sunny
    2. His Name on My Tongue
    3. Fathered From Above
    4. It Takes a Christian Village
    5. The Missing Piece
    6. #GirlDad
    7. Becoming the Dad I Never Knew (by Shai Linne)
    8. Jumping off the Merry-Go-Round
    9. Coming Home


Contributors Blair Linne, Mark Dever
ISBN 9781784986476
Format eBook
First published September 2021
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company

Keith Getty

Hymnwriter; founder of Getty Music; author of Sing!

This is an extremely timely and beautifully transparent read! Blair invites us in with gospel-ward and hope-filled insight. She fearlessly follows often-severed echoes throughout creation to find the first voice, who spoke all of us into being. She shows us how in real life Christ restores and steadies and answers the deep yearning of every soul by enabling us to know God as our good Father.

Nancy Guthrie

Bible teacher and author of the Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament series

The pain of the wound of fatherlessness is hard to put words to, but Blair Linne has done just that. But there is more than just pain in the pages of this book. There is hope and wisdom and an invitation to be loved by a Father who will never disappoint, always provide, always protect, and always be present.

William "Duce" Branch aka The Ambassador

Musical Artist; Assistant Pastor of Preaching, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

'Finding My Father' is profoundly substantive and masterfully written. With theological insightfulness and vivid, engaging, and endearing eloquence, Blair puts her finger on the pulse of one of the most critical issues of the day—fatherlessness. By weaving together her powerful personal story with relevant biblical principles and a tinge of strategically placed sociological data, Blair leads hearers to the Father . She presents him as one who not only produces better earthly fathers but also provides a remedy for any who may deal with some sort of ‘father wound.’ In short, I was riveted. This is a must-read!

Customer reviews

27 Jan 2022

“A book for everyone”

(Review written for 'Finding My Father')

This beautifully written book really resonated with me. I found it easy to read, interesting, and relatable. Blair brought out gospel truths in a loving and real way that had me examining my own relationship with my earthly father and subsequently my heavenly Father. The chapter from her husband Shai was also brilliant. I will be recommending this book to everyone I know and meet because none of our dads are perfect, and we need to realize that we do have a perfect Father. Through his son Jesus, He is the answer.

5 Nov 2021

“Fathers love explained”

(Review written for 'Finding My Father')

Wherever our biological fathers failed us and the author had a challenging upbringing by her single parent mum. The author argues the case for fathers being present in the bringing up of there children. Where they are not present the outcomes statistics show manychildren’s futuresremain bleak. However the author also highlights that our father in heaven knows us intimately and with his spirit guiding her she made a success of marriage and the bringing up of her children. Despite the challenging circumstances of her upbringing. Through prayer godly counsel and the wisdom god gives. Anyone can overcome a challenging upbringing, where the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is present in there life. Albeit with some scars. God is a perfect father to us.

27 Oct 2021

“Where earthly fathers fail, Our Heavenly Father shines all the brighter”

(Review written for 'Finding My Father')

Many of us who come to the faith are drawn to particular attributes of God based on our own experiences and needs. For Christian spoken word artist Blair Linne, the paternal nature of God is particularly captivating and wondrous. Her new book, “Finding My Father” candidly takes us through her troubled upbringing, and how fatherlessness caused her to wrestle with feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, betrayal. Yet, by enduring this trial, she has been able to appreciate more acutely the steadfastness of God as her Heavenly Father.

The book presents a refreshing case for the value of fatherhood. Contrary to what today’s culture would have us believe, fathers are essential, and have much to bring to the table that cannot always be fulfilled by a single mother. A male presence in the home provides security, stability, leadership and moral example and, in a Christian context, a glimpse of a more perfect Father. However, Linne rightly points out a necessary caveat – the mere presence of a biological father in the home doesn’t necessarily solve all its problems. It is a calling with tremendous responsibility both practical and spiritual, that needs to be fulfilled.

Finding my Father has much more to discuss on this weighty topic, including the importance of finding a family in the local church, the power of the Gospel in breaking the chains of generational hurt and what it means to have God as our loving Father. People will relate to this book differently (I.e. some will find it a useful tool for counseling, while others will be more encouraged to display God in their role as Father). On the whole, I think all of us that know God can benefit from that eternal truth found within this short book.

20 Oct 2021

“Sheep and Sons”

(Review written for 'Finding My Father')

What does the Christian faith say about absent fathers? In Finding My Father, Blair Linne helps us see how the gospel heals the pain of fatherlessness.

Compelling and Courageous

By sharing her story, Linne allows us to journey with her as she learned to navigate the feelings and findings of fatherlessness. It is a story of self-discovery, but also a story of her finding a Savior. I was captivated by her writing, and extremely encouraged by her faith.

There is a twist in her tale that caught me off-guard. I will not spoil it here in this review, but it is safe to say that there is still more to her story. Nevertheless, what she has already lived through is compelling and courageous. My eyes were opened and my heart was moved.

Marriage, Family, and the Church

Linne does not leave out God and the gospel in this book. I would actually consider it an excellent introduction to a theology of God as our Heavenly Father and the earthly station of fatherhood. Linne shares concise and clear Biblical wisdom and practicality in regards to marriage, family, and the church. Adoption is championed as what keeps the Christian’s heart pumping.

As a spoken word artist, this book proves that Linne works wonders in writing. There is a cohesion and flow that can only come from a true poet. Her husband, rapper Shai Linne, contributes a chapter on Becoming the Dad I Never Knew. This is a book that demands and earns your attention.

Sheep and Sons

What impacted me the most was Linne’s repeated refrain of “living out” what is known to be statistically true. Fathers are important. Fathers are irreplaceable. I am resolved to be a faithful father to my children. I am resolved to be a loving husband. And I pray that I will best reflect our Heavenly Father, who finds lost sheep and calls them his sons.

I received a media copy of Finding My Father and this is my honest review.

6 Oct 2021

“James 1:27”

(Review written for 'Finding My Father')

Blair did a wonderful job sharing her story and pointing her readers to the Gospel. Not only was it easy to read, but it was beautifully written and held so much truth. I pray that more churches rise up to care for the fatherless (James 1)

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Finding My Father (ebook) | Blair Linne, Mark Dever |