Preview Life Explored Session 6

Christianity Explored | 31 Aug 2016

We agonise over our choices: where to study, what career to pursue, where to live, maybe who to marry.

But there is another choice in our hands. And it is bigger and more significant than all of the others put together. Because this particular choice sets the trajectory of our entire lives.

We get to choose what to worship.

And we can’t opt out of worship any more than we can opt out of breathing.

The only question is: who or what will we give worship to?

Life Explored is now available for pre-order. Launching very soon!

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Christianity Explored

Rico Tice leads a team of gifted writers and evangelists in developing resources that help Christians around the world share the gospel of Jesus Christ. The CE team works closely with editors at The Good Book Company to ensure that all Christianity Explored resources are of the highest standard and suitable for use in the widest possible variety of contexts.