The letter of James has strong claims to be both the most celebrated and most criticised of all New Testament books. This alone makes it worthy of close attention—we are unlikely to be left unaffected by it! It has generated enormous controversy among Christians over the years. Some early believers questioned its inclusion in the New Testament. Centuries later, the great Reformer Martin Luther famously described James as “an epistle of straw”.
Jesus is explicitly mentioned only twice; others have criticised James for a lack of cohesion; perhaps the most famous criticism levelled at James is that he contradicts Paul (in 2 v 24) This was enough for Luther to fume that: “James mangles the Scriptures and thereby opposes Paul and all Scripture”. Strong words!
But we should not be too fast to dismiss this book. Despite the criticisms made against it, this letter has persistently found its way into the hearts and affections of countless Christians through the ages, and it remains one of the most cherished books of the Bible. When we read it carefully and expectantly, it is not hard to see why. Here are five reasons to love the letter of James:
Whether we are attracted or troubled by all its apparent quirks, James’ letter demands our attention for one monumental reason. It is all about what it means truly to follow the “glorious Lord Jesus Christ” (2 v 1). It will show us what genuine faith looks like in real life—and it will challenge us about how real faith works hard and lives distinctively. James’ aim is that his readers would serve Jesus more wholeheartedly and radically, and that must be our goal; and it is my prayer that as you read James For You, you will find yourself both excited about and enabled to follow more closely James’ brother and our Lord.
How well do you know the letter of James? All this week on Facebook and Twitter we’ll be celebrating the letter of James by posting picture clues. Can you guess which verse they relate to?