Did Jesus rise from the dead? (Infographic)

Phil Grout | 24 Feb 2015

Here’s a fantastic new infographic from Josh Byers and Zach Dietrich, ‘Did Jesus rise from the dead?’:

As it says at the bottom of the infographic, ‘the most plausible explanation of the facts of the resurrection is that God raised Jesus from the dead!’ But why does it actually matter right here and right now?

This week at The Good Book Company, we’re very excited to be launching Mike McKinley’s new book, The Resurrection in Your Life: How the living Christ changes your world.

Mike’s new book takes the fact that God raised Jesus from the dead and shows how that changes everything in every way.

Harry Amos

9:45 PM AEST on May 16th
What do you make of this alternative info-graphic? Unfortunately, it seems a lot more compelling to me. :-/