Play through the Bible - another sneak peak!

Alice Buckley | 23 Oct 2014

Here’s another sample story from our new release Play through the Bible, introducing pre-schoolers to Jesus through Luke’s Gospel. It is followed by a selection of the play activities included in the book. Each story is supported by a wide range of activities - some very short and simple, some needing props or play equipment, and some very, very messy!

This story is from Luke 5:1-11.


Lots of people came to Jesus because they knew he could make them feel better. Even more people came to Jesus because they loved to hear him tell them all about God! In today's story Jesus has borrowed a boat. Jesus is sitting in the boat telling lots and lots of people all about God.


The fishermen in the boat with Jesus are tired. They have worked all night long but they have no fish! Their nets are empty.
"Try again," says Jesus.
"We have tried and tried and tried!" say the fishermen. "But because you say so, we will try again."
They splosh the nets into the water and… He-e-e-e-eave! Their nets are full! They didn't even have to try!
Wow! The fishermen are amazed! There are so many fish!
They know that Jesus is special.
The fishermen stop fishing and start following Jesus.
They stop bringing fish to people and start bringing people to Jesus.


Jesus—even fish listen to you, you are so powerful!

Each story in Play through the Bible is supported by a range of play activities. The themes being picked up to help a child understand and remember this story are:

Things that are hard to do and things that are easy (to help us see how amazing Jesus' miracle is). Empty and full. Following. Fishing play. Plus general play to help your child remember and talk about the story.


Try catching fish in the bath. Use a colander, sieve or tea-strainer as a net and try using partially inflated balloons as fish to catch. You could put a drop of food colouring in the bath to make the water blue or green. A couple of drops of food colouring shouldn't stain your bathtub (or your child!).


Pretend to be in a fishing boat (on the sofa or sat on cushions on the floor). Place toys on the floor around your child and see what they can catch. Use a bag or tub as a net (an old ice-cream or margarine tub would work well).


Make a fish by cutting a triangle out of a paper plate. The gap that is left is the mouth. Stick the triangle on the opposite edge to be a tail. Decorate your fish and hang it on string.

Out and about

Visit a pet shop that sells fish, or go and see a friend who has pet fish. Try to tell the fish what to do and where to swim.


Blow bubbles and get your child to try to catch them. Remind them of the story and how hard it was for the fishermen to catch anything without Jesus.

Chat and play

Use words from the story as you chat and play this week, like "tried and tried" and "empty" and "full". Eat fish this week and talk about the story.

Alice Buckley

Alice Buckley lives in Lancashire, England. She is married to Dave and Mum to Mikey, Dan and Jemima. Alice loves Jesus, drinking tea, writing and reading.