There are three components to this new resource, plus some promotional materials and a new website to back it up.
Discovering Jesus through Asian eyes is a full-colour booklet designed to be given to Asian people of any background. It asks and answers 16 of the most frequently asked questions that people have about Jesus, Christianity and faith in God, and is filled with warm testimonies from Asian people from different countries and faiths who have discovered the love of God in Christ. The questions are answered carefully from the Bible in a way that is culturally sensitive and gently leads the reader towards belief in Jesus. The booklet is designed to be given to anyone from an Asian background – a neighbour, friend or colleague from work.
How does the course work?
The Discovering Jesus through Asian eyes course is based on the booklet. If someone has read the booklet and wants to know more, you can invite them to join you to explore the questions in a little more depth. The course is split into eight sessions which each look at two questions from the booklet. The emphasis is on friendly, open discussions, which look at passages from the Bible. The studies have been extensively trialled and tested with a wide variety of Asian people.
The Leader’s Guide contains everything you need to know to run a course – extensive notes on the discussion questions, helpful advice on how to address issues unique to different people groups and religions, and ideas for promoting the course, and conducting outreach to Asian people in your local area.
The Discussion Guide is for giving to each person who takes part in a course. It contains all the questions and Bible passages, plus testimonies, and explanations of words and terms that may be unfamiliar to participants.
You can see the whole range, together with the invitation postcards and posters on The Good Book Company website here.
You can order a Starter pack to assess the course, which contains a sample copy of each of the resources.
There is also a dedicated website at, with video testimonies and encouragement.
The project office at the Evangelical Alliance offers telephone support, and is organising a series of training days around the country during the rest of 2014. Call them for more information on 020 7520 3831.