I wish I'd known...what "normal" youthwork is like

Alison Mitchell | 21 Nov 2013

From Rich:
"I think the thing I would love to have known is what is the normal experience for a youth worker - because there have been times when I've been under pressure when I've not known whether I'm doing the right thing, or the wrong thing, from what people have said - and whether that means I should / shouldn't be doing the job."

From Dave:
"I wish someone had told me that I’d get better if I stayed in it! When I started I knew one thing – how to play the chocolate game. I’m still pretty awful at thinking of games, but I did spend my first couple of years at youth leaders training weekends with a notebook asking for new games from longer established youth workers!! And I do know where to look on the internet now for games!"

"But just generally, I think people are put off because they see someone up at the front who’s been leading for a while – they teach the Bible well, they’re creative, they can probably play the guitar and sing too, they know lots of games, they know all the kids’ names, and they think, ‘What can I offer?’ The good news is, much of that stuff does get easier (although I still can’t play the guitar!!), and you’ll probably find a niche where you can do different things and even better things than the longer-serving youth leaders can! I asked a guy at our church to get involved with our youth group recently. He said, ‘You wouldn’t want me...’ I asked why and he said his gifts didn’t really fit. I asked what his gifts were and he said, ‘I’m really interested in promoting world peace...’ As if teenagers aren’t interested in that....!"

There are two kinds of youthworker: the one who needs help, and the one who knows everything. I know which I prefer.

If you’re new, or struggling with something, or, as Rich says above, trying to work out what “a normal experience” should look like, there are plenty of ways to get some help:

Talk it through with someone who has more experience

  • This is the best option if you can take it, though not all of us have someone suitable to ask.
  • Like Dave, why not keep a notebook on you where you can jot down any good ideas you come across (including the chocolate game!)
  • But also remember that you’re not trying to be a clone. If there’s a fellow team member you look up to (or are envious of?!), thank God for them and the gifts He has given them. But God only made one of that person - He’s not looking for clones! We each have different gifts, and will be used by God in different ways (Romans 12 v 4-8). So while it’s great to learn what we can, and improve our skills and understanding, don’t beat yourself up if you’re not as good at building authentic New Testament sailing boats as someone else on the team. There will be gifts and opportunities that God has given specifically to you so that you can serve Him gladly and faithfully.

Read up on children’s or youth work

  • Their God is so big is brilliant for those working with under 8s.
  • FAQs answers common questions asked by youth and children’s workers.
  • Fruit that will last is a great tool to help you think through the aims of youthwork and how you get there.

Get some training

Alison Mitchell

Alison Mitchell is a Senior Editor at The Good Book Company, where she has worked on a range of products including Bible-reading notes for children and families, and the Christianity Explored range of resources. She is the best-selling author of The Christmas Promise and the award-winning Jesus and the Lions' Den