Recovering our memory: Ambrose

Carl Laferton | 4 Dec 2012

Name: Ambrose
When: 339-397
Where: Bishop of Milan in Italy

So what?:

Ambrose was close friends with the Emperor of the western Roman Empire (essentially, today’s western Europe and north African coast). But he was also absolutely clear that the emperor was just a member of the church, rather than its head. In spiritual matters, he came under the leadership and discipline of the church.

This led to a huge confrontation in 390. Theodosius had ordered the massacring of the inhabitants of Thessalonica after the Roman governor was killed in a riot. Ambrose excommunicated him, and told him to repent. When Theodosius turned up at church the next Sunday, Ambrose wouldn’t let him in. The Emperor walked through the streets of Milan doing public penance; was banned from entering church services for eight months; and then had to kneel before the whole congregation and ask for God’s forgiveness—all of which he did.

This was a notable episode in the often fractious relationship between church and state (which continues today). Ambrose’s actions established the idea of the independence of the church, and the view that however powerful a man was, in church he was a sinner in need of forgiveness. In prior decades, emperors had (arguably) had too much power in church affairs and matters of theology; later, church leaders would (arguably!) have too much power in the political sphere, ruling as virtual kings over great lands. Ambrose and Theodosius perhaps show us something of a better, middle way.

PS. Ambrose also introduced the singing of hymns (ie: songs whose words aren’t taken straight from the Bible) into the western church. Without him, perhaps there would have been no Charles Wesley, Isaac Watts, Stuart Townend, or Matt Redman (well, there would have been, but they’d have had different jobs!)

Random fact: When the previous bishop died, Ambrose was provincial governor, not even baptised. As he supervised the election of the new bishop, a child called out “Ambrose for bishop!”, everyone agreed… and Ambrose became the next bishop!

Good quote: “The church belongs to God, therefore it cannot be assigned to Caesar. The emperor is within the church, not above it.”

Prayer of thanks:
Heavenly Father, thank you that before you all men, no matter how great or small, stand equally in need of your forgiveness, and are freely offered it. Thank you for giving Ambrose the courage to call Theodosius to repent; and for giving Theodosius the humility to turn back to you. Enable my church leaders today to speak your truth to men of power; and help my nation’s leaders to listen to the gospel and submit to you in all they do. Amen.

Carl Laferton

Carl is Editorial Director at The Good Book Company and is a member of Grace Church Worcester Park, London. He is the best-selling author of The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross and God's Big Promises Bible Storybook, and also serves as series editor of the God's Word for You series. Before joining TGBC, he worked as a journalist and then as a teacher, and pastored a congregation in Hull. Carl is married to Lizzie, and they have two children. He studied history at Oxford University.