1. Delighting in the Trinity E-Book Deal
Until midday on Thursday, the e-book version of Delighting in the Trinity by Tim Chester is available for just £1!
2. Free Bible images
A website full of free sets of Bible story images..
3. St Helen's Training: Bible Overview. Part 5 and 6
Parts 5 and 6 of St. Helen's video Bible overview with Roger Day.
4. What Is the Message of Each Book of the Bible?
One sentence summaries of each book of the Bible. How would you summarise each book?
5. Did the Devil Make Me Do It?
A free excerpt from Did the devil make me do it? by Mike McKinley.
6. And finally…
In case you missed it, our video of the week, a new trailer from Timothy Keller, 'Judges for You Trailer':
Found something that you think should make it on to the On to a Good Thing round-up? Send it to: ontoagoodthing@thegoodbook.co.uk