1. New TGBC Social Media Designs
We've totally revamped the designs for our social media platforms. See the designs and like us on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter (UK and US). Subscribe to our YouTube Channel. And subscribe to The Good Book Blog.
2. Are you a Christian?
Three tests from Pete Woodcock to see whether you're a Christian or not.
3. 12 Things to Do After Graduating
An article with tips on what to do after you graduate.
4. 10 Ways to Fight Like a Christian
J.D. Greear shares ten ways that we can handle conflict well.
5. And finally…
Our video of the week, 'Visit us at CRE 2013'. From today until this Friday, The Good Book Company are at the Christian Resources Exhibition at Sandown Park. Come and say hello!
Found something that you think should make it on to the On to a Good Thing round-up? Send it to: ontoagoodthing@thegoodbook.co.uk