“It’s all very well saying ‘start doing a one-to-one’. I can see it’s a good idea. I can think of a younger Christian I could ask. But what’s stopping me is…
“I just don’t know how to do it.”
If you’re thinking that—or if you’re a pastor and people in your church are thinking that—one great way to get going is to use some resources designed with one-to-one Bible reading in mind. That way, you don’t need to choose a passage and write a study from scratch.
Andrew Cornes (who you can hear talking about one-to-ones here) has written some great studies called one2one. They’re only £3 for 24 studies (working out at 12.5p per session!)
Or, why not use a Good Book Guide? They’re just as good being used in pairs as they are in groups—and this week, they’re 20% off at £2.40.
So if you can see the benefits of one-to-oneing, both for you and someone else… if you’d like to have a go at doing it… but you don’t know where or how to begin… just grab some resources and things suddenly seem a lot easier!
For a short introduction to what one-to-oneing is, just click here.