"We want to work for the good of the people around us"

Andy Kinnaird | 30 Sep 2011

22% of people in the UK live in an income poor household.

In a way, that’s a shocking statistic for a supposedly wealthy and developed country. But Christians shouldn’t be that surprised—after all, Jesus Himself reminded us of the reality that there will always be “the poor” (John 12 v 8). And the Bible commands us to do something about that—to provide for those who are struggling (Leviticus 25 v 34-36).

That’s a statistic, a reality and a command one church in Speke, Liverpool—one of the most deprived areas of the UK—is taking seriously. And the world is noticing. Have a read of this BBC article. And do pray for Steve Casey, the pastor, and his congregation as they seek to show and speak of Christ to some of that 22%.