Bibles or brooms?

Helen Thorne | 11 Aug 2011

In the aftermath of the recent riots, Christians in the UK are starting to grapple with some big questions: How do we explain the violence that has blighted our cities? How do we respond to the needs of our communities? How can we encourage those who have been affected?

As ever, two schools of thought are gradually emerging: One focuses on the spiritual – the need for prayer and gospel proclamation in urban centres. The other on the practical – calling Christians to get involved in the clean-up operations and community-building exercises underway. But to be truly biblical we need to draw those strands together...

Today we need to have a Bible in one hand and a broom in the other as we intercede for our nation.

When our neighbours are hurting, it is right that we roll up our sleeves and offer assistance. In the wake of a violent attack, the Good Samaritan offered first-aid, shelter and financial support to a stranger on the street (Luke 10:25-37). John says that giving to those in need is a natural outworking of our love for a loving God (1John 3:16-18). We need to be proactive in supporting those who are suffering now.

But the gospel is far more profound and transformational than social action alone. The gospel makes sense of the recent carnage by exposing the sin in human hearts (Romans 3:9-18). It points, comfortingly, to a God who is sovereign and has a solution to the pain of this world (Romans 8:22-25). It teaches us reconciliation and true community as we live in light of the cross (1Peter 3:8-12). And it holds out the possibility of real change as people put off the old self and put on the new (Ephesians 4:22-24). Truths that need to ring out today.

So let us encourage one another to be people of Bibles and brooms. And if you have a story to tell about how your church is getting involved in the aftermath of the riots do share it (briefly) so we can all be praying for you today ...