Forgiving Mladic?

Carl Laferton | 27 May 2011

Bosnian Serb warlord Ratko Mladic’s arrest yesterday in some ways closes a chapter in the bloodiest episode in post-war Europe. He’s off to the Hague to face justice. And one word we won’t, understandably, hear much is “forgiveness”.

Which prompted me to think of one of the most provocatively-titled books we stock: “Forgiving Hitler”. It’s by a Jewish lady who suffered terribly during the Holocaust, but since discovering Jesus as her Christ found herself able to forgive those who’d wronged her.

Three reasons to grab a copy:

  • It’s a different angle on one of the most well-known periods of history, with (for once) an upbeat ending.
  • It’s great to give away to a non-Christian friend, because it communicates the gospel message in a way that’s rooted in a personal story.
  • For an extremely limited period, it’s only £2!

You can buy it here.

Carl Laferton

Carl is Editorial Director at The Good Book Company and is a member of Grace Church Worcester Park, London. He is the best-selling author of The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross and God's Big Promises Bible Storybook, and also serves as series editor of the God's Word for You series. Before joining TGBC, he worked as a journalist and then as a teacher, and pastored a congregation in Hull. Carl is married to Lizzie, and they have two children. He studied history at Oxford University.