World's End
Tim Thornborough | 24 May 2011
Talk of the Rapture is in the air after American Harold Camping's prediction of the end became a "no-show". But how do we talk to others about this difficult subject with a sense of confidence when another believer has brought the Bible and the Christian faith into disrepute. Here are a few ideas and soundbites to try:
- The Bible clearly says that human history is part of a big plan that has a beginning, a middle and, you guessed it, an end. Some over enthusiastic people get carried away with silly ways of reading the Bible, and think they can predict when the end will be. Their failure, and the harm they cause to those who foolishly follow them, shouldn't distract us from the truth that there will be an end, and that we will all face a judgement day.
- Harold, the Jehovah's witnesses and thousands of other misguided people throughout history have thought that they can predict the date of Christ's return. They cannot and should not. There are many explicit warnings in the Bible about doing this - but they sadly ignore them. But don't fool yourself that you can discount the whole thing because of the foolish mistakes that some misguided people make.
- If you want evidence, look at Jesus' resurrection. Jesus said repeatedly that he would be killed and then rise from the dead. No one believed him. He did. Jesus also said repeatedly that he would return in Glory and be the judge of the living and the dead. Believe it!
- "One day someone will say "It's not the end of the world" - but it will be.
- The Bible says that Judgement is surely coming to all of us - and that we need to be ready for it. Jesus death and resurrection are the way that we can find forgiveness now and so come through the end to eternal life.
Any other suggestions - please make a comment...
Robert Stanton
They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.”
Peter answers this worldlywise critique by pointing to another lot of scoffers. Those who laughed at Noah sweating away with wood and nails under a cloudless sky. It's easy for us to be infected with lethargy about the Lord's return, but our Lord urges us to watch and keep alert, because we do not know the time...