Faithful men at the Albert Hall

Tom Beard | 22 Feb 2011

This year’s London Men's Convention theme exhorts us to be Faithful to God at work, home, church and in mission, whatever the cost. Convention speakers include:

  • Mark Driscoll, the widely appreciated and passionate Senior Pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle who has a particular heart for teaching the Bible to men
  • Rico Tice, the evangelist at All Souls Langham Place, and author of the Christianity Explored course used worldwide
  • Marcus Nodder, the Senior Pastor of St Peter’s Barge, London’s only floating church.

With solo music from Nathan Tasker and the spine-tingling experience of praising the Lord in a choir of 4000 at the Royal Albert Hall, this will be a convention not to miss. More details from the Christian conventions website or book tickets from the Royal Albert Hall.