Connection. If you’re like most of us, you think about connection in the context of our digital age—connected via social media, gaming, video platforms and even the electrical grid. Always on, always going. Disconnecting is what everyone is screaming about, as they post waterfall photos to show the rest of the world just how unplugged they are. But what if connection is something we need? I don’t mean with thousands of strangers via social media. I mean with our kids. ... continue reading
There are many reasons why a parent might be the solo discipler in the home. Maybe you’re the only parent. Maybe you’re the only parent who follows after Jesus. Maybe your spouse is deployed, or their job requires them to be away for long periods of time, or you are widowed, or your child’s other parent has never been present. Whatever the case may be, family dynamics are much more complicated than neat little demographic boxes we tick on a registration form. And that complicates not only our lives, but our discipling relationships with our kids. ... continue reading
“How am I supposed to help my kids follow Jesus when I am struggling in my own relationship with him?” It’s a valid question, and one you’re not alone in asking. Or maybe you’re not struggling in your relationship with Christ, but you’re just having a hard time with life in general. Maybe it’s your job or an illness that is causing your struggles. It could be family or relationship issues that are complicating every facet of life. Perhaps your DIY remodel went off the rails and you’re living in a construction zone with your last shred of sanity holding it all together.... continue reading
When a family in your community experiences pregnancy loss, you and your church have a powerful opportunity to minister to and care for them. A great way to express your care is a “miscarriage care package.” It enables you to validate the grief and the life of their child, practically serve and meet the physical needs of this family, help them apply the good news of the gospel and the truth of God’s word to their hardship, and comfort them.
Here are a few ideas of what to include in a care package for families grieving the loss of an unborn child.... continue reading
Every human pregnancy involves a mother and a father. A man and a woman contribute to conception. In most cases, a mother wants the father to take an active interest in the pregnancy and preparation for the baby's birth. Likewise, she often wants him to be a reassuring presence during labour and delivery—and an active partner in parenting. Naturally, she will want him to share the grief that miscarriage brings. Nevertheless, the father's experience with miscarriage often goes unaddressed in the contemporary church.... continue reading
There will be a day when every child of God will be invited to the one funeral that we will all want to attend: we will be invited to the funeral of death.
Yes, it really is true—death will die and eternally be no more. Along with it will die all the grief, pain, fear, sadness, suffering, and loss that death always drags with it. The completely righteous life of Jesus, the acceptable sacrifice of Jesus, and the victorious resurrection of Jesus, all accomplished on our behalf, guarantee that the enemy of everyone living—death—will finally and forever die.... continue reading
I think most of us want to pray for our spouse. We intend to pray for our spouse. But we forget to pray for our spouse.
Or, when we remember, our prayers can often be limited to what we want to see happen in their lives—the issues we see as urgent. And those aren’t always the things that are truly most needed or most urgent.... continue reading
The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross suite has a brand new addition! This collection of resources, based on the bestselling storybook, is a favorite for kids and their families—and it’s a great way of teaching children why the gospel is the best news ever.
... continue reading
How do mums hold on to hope and life when daily sacrifices feel like little deaths? How do we find rest? And what do we make of how weak and weary we feel? Three Bible verses can help moms answer these questions. ... continue reading
How does prayer shape a marriage? We asked Michael and Melissa Kruger to share how prayer has fit into their 25 years of marriage. With 3 kids and full-time ministry roles, the Krugers offer realistic insight for busy couples. ... continue reading