LET US PRAY: Prayers From Women of Color - Dennae Pierre

Dennae Pierre | 12 Jun 2020

A Message from the TGBC team: 

Whatever the color of our skin, there is much to grieve and lament over right now. So many of us are hurting. So many of us feel powerless to help. Those of us who are not people of color want to stand with our brothers and sisters, but sometimes are unsure how to.

But all of us can pray. And all of us must pray.

So we’ve invited women of color to help all of us lift our eyes to the Lord of all and speak to him as our Father about the times we’re walking through. Each day for the next week or two, visit this blog and you’ll find a video, voice recording, or written prayer that will help you to pray into this situation. 

We’re honored that serving us today is Dennae Pierre who has written a poem. Dennae is a member of Roosevelt Community Church, Phoenix, AZ. She leads the Surge Network, a movement of local churches in Phoenix, and serves on the North America Leadership Team for Redeemer City to City.

Kingdom Vision

Give me a vision
Of your kingdom
I want the eyes to see it
Your people, glorious
Unhindered by the lies
Freedom to love
Abundance flows
Ordinary people
Lonely people
Awkward people
Even grumpy people
Are redeemed
Laughing, rejoicing in love
Give me a vision of your kingdom 
I want to see it
Where the things we once treasured
Are laid down at your Holy feet
Delighting instead in the treasure
You’ve given us in the brethren
Give me a vision of your kingdom
Every tear wiped away
By the tender hand 
And listening ears
of another saint
Christ’s compassion flowing
Give me a picture of your kingdom
As we remember
Abused and broken bodies
Weak, old, and young
Sick and strong
No one limping
Instead they all radiate Christ’s light
Give me a vision of your kingdom
Where no amount of 
Wealth, praise, or power
Can possibly replace 
The holy wonder 
of uniting with our Lord
Give me a vision of your kingdom
When the things we have done in secret 
Are exposed in love’s perfect light
No longer ashamed
We will stand around and marvel
That we have been made clean
Give me a vision of your kingdom
In which our delight is in You 
And your delight is in us
Being with each other
One with you 
Sharing all things in common
Receiving from you our daily bread
Lord give me a vision of your kingdom
And words to describe 
To those far off and alone
Disgusted by religion
Tired by the rules
Worn out from the addictions
Burdened and weary 
From the sirens’ tune
That they are welcome 
to arrive at your shores
And delight in pure love
Greeted by our Lord

Dennae Pierre is also a contributor to His Testimonies, My Heritage. Hear the voices of women of color on the most important subject in any age—the word of God.

His Testimonies, My Heritage

His Testimonies, My Heritage


Hear the voices of women of colour on the most important subject in any age—the word of God.

This inspiring collection of devotions is by a diverse group of women of color—African-American, Hispanic, Caribbean, and Asian women. Contributors include Kristie Anyabwile, Jackie Hill-Perry, Trillia Newbell, Elicia Horton, Christina Edmondson, Blair Linne, Bev Chao Berrus and more.