Sample: Day 1 of A Jesus Easter

Barbara Reaoch | 17 Feb 2022

Read Day 1 of A Jesus Easter, a new family devotional from Barbara Reaoch. These easy-to-lead devotions start by looking at Genesis and take us through the Old Testament to see how Easter was always part of God’s amazing plan for his people. The remainder look at the Easter story itself, helping families to experience the full joy of our resurrection hope.


Read Genesis 3:1-5, 14-15

1. Who lied to Adam and Eve? (verses 3-4)

2. What did God promise about the serpent? (verses 14-15)

A Jesus Easter

A Jesus Easter


Celebrate the awesome, life-changing events of Easter with this family devotional written by Barbara Reaoch.


Even before God made the world, he had a plan for Easter. God planned to make a beautiful family. He started with his first children, Adam and Eve. God built a lush garden to be their home. He talked with them like best friends talk and gave them lots of delicious fruit to eat. God loved Adam and Eve so much that he warned them not to eat the fruit of one tree. They would die if they ate that fruit.

But a serpent in the garden (who was really Satan) told them God had lied. When Adam and Eve believed Satan’s lie and ate the fruit, sin broke God’s perfect world. Now earthquakes and floods happen. People get sick and die. Could anything be worse? Yes! Sin infects our hearts. Now people everywhere believe the serpent’s terrible lie.

Adam and Eve were so sad and afraid. But God made the best-ever promise. God would send a Rescuer so his family could know him as their own dear Father. The serpent would hurt the Rescuer. But the Rescuer would crush the serpent and free our hearts from the serpent’s lie! Jesus is the Rescuer God promised.


Obeying God brings us true happiness. But the serpent tempts us to think that God’s way isn’t best. When we try to find happiness without God we sin. God made us. He loves us. And God’s way is always best.

1. Adam and Eve were probably sad and afraid after they sinned. How do you feel after you sin?

2. What is sin?

3. When you feel you can’t beat sin, how does God’s promise of Jesus help you?

4. Why is God’s promise to send Jesus the best-ever promise?

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Heavenly Father, thank you for making us and loving us. Please help us to love you more this Easter and always. Amen.

Barbara Reaoch

Barbara Reaoch was Bible Study Fellowship’s Director of the Children’s Division for many years. She is the author of A Jesus Christmas, A Better Than Anything Christmas and A Jesus Easter. She loved God, her husband, their family… and writing gospel-centered children’s materials. Barbara went to be with Jesus in August 2024.

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