Get your thinking right at the start of each day

Rico Tice | 23 Mar 2021

If I am to offer myself as a living sacrifice each day, holy and pleasing to God, then I will need to “be transformed by the renewing of [my] mind (Romans 12 v 1-2). After all, it’s the “knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness” (Titus 1 v 1). So I’m very intentional first thing in the morning about getting my thinking in place. I read my Bible before I look at my technology.

In my quiet time, I work through my own mini-catechism:

Q: Rico, when did God choose you? 

A: Before the creation of the world. He chose you in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. And he predestined you for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1 v 4-5).

Q: Rico, how does God feel about you? 

A: He is delighted with you because he is delighted with Jesus his Son, and you are united to Jesus by faith. A righteousness from God has been revealed, and it has been given to you (Romans 3 v 21-22). You are a sinner, and you are justified. Rico, say today what Gresham Machen said on his deathbed: “I thank God for the obedience of Jesus”. Your identity is in Christ, and whether others accept you or reject you today does not make you any more or less valuable or accepted or loved.

"My feelings will follow my thoughts as I reflect on the wonder of the gospel."

Q: Rico, why is today a great day?

A: Because today is the day that God has planned for you, and if God says it’s good, then it’s good. Whatever God brings into your day—the things you’d choose and the things you definitely wouldn’t—he will work in them for your good. And your good is to become more like Jesus (Romans 8 v 28-29). So today, one way or another, whether you see it or not, you’re going to grow to be more like your Saviour. That’s a great day.

Q: Rico, why is today a better day than yesterday?

A: Because you’re a day’s march closer to home—24 hours closer to seeing Jesus face to face. You never need to lose heart because though today may be hard, your troubles are the path to the eternal glory that far outweighs them all (2 Corinthians 4 v 17). What you can see is not all there is, and it will not last; what you cannot see is eternal, and you’re getting closer to the day that faith becomes sight (v 18). “No human mind has conceived [of] the things God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2 v 9).

These things are true. They need to be at the forefront of my thoughts. This is who I am, and this is the day I’m entering. And with those in place, I’m ready to serve. And my feelings will follow my thoughts as I reflect on the wonder of the gospel.

This is an extract from Faithful Leaders and the things that matter most, by Rico Tice. In this short, punchy, challenging, and at times surprising book, Rico Tice draws on decades of experience in church leadership to call fellow pastors and others with oversight of areas of church ministry to define success biblically, fight their sin, lead themselves, and serve their churches.

Rico Tice

Rico Tice is a passionate evangelist, and former Senior Minister of Evangelism at All Souls, Langham Place in London. Co-Founder of Christianity Explored Ministries, he is a regular speaker at missions and evangelistic events around the world, and is the author of several books, including Honest Evangelism and Capturing God. Rico loves to play and watch rugby. His other hobbies include playing golf and watching films. He’s married to Lucy and they have three children.