Being a bombardier can be a useful tactic when trying to encourage children and young people to read their Bibles. Try lots of different things. Bombard them with different ideas to help them get stuck into God’s Word.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3 v 16-17)
We want to see children and young people training in righteousness, so that they’re fully equipped to serve God. For that training, they need to be studying, learning from and memorising God’s Word. So we need to try every method at our disposal to encourage them to do that. Be a bombardier. Carpet bomb them with the Bible!
Ideas for bombardiers
Here are a few ideas for you to consider:
What about children or young people who can’t or don’t read so much? For lots of young people, reading isn’t a big part of their culture, it’s not something they do regularly. It can seem much more of a chore than a pleasure. This makes it hard to promote Bible reading to them.
You have to get creative. Try giving them smaller chunks of the Bible to read, in an easy-to-read version. You might want to give them a graphic novel (comic book) version of the Bible, or Bible stories. OK, it’s not perfect, but if they’re not reading the Bible at all, it’s a start. You could encourage them to listen to the Bible on MP3 or to look up websites that look at God’s word. It can be hard work getting some people to open their Bibles at all, but we’ve got to try every route possible to get them learning from God’s word.
Let’s make the Bible the focus of our times together. Let’s make it natural and expected for us to open God’s word together, and share from it and question it. Let’s get young people reading the Bible for themselves. Let’s watch God transforming them with His word.