Showing posts in 'Church'

How The Church is a Hospital

Jen Oshman | 11 May 2023

It has been said, “The church is a hospital for sinners, not a museum for saints.” I think the quote originates from a Dear Abby syndicated column. It’s a striking word picture as it calls to mind images of people who are unwell but want to get better—people who acknowledge their sickness, are humbled by it, and have placed themselves in the hands of others who might help them.... continue reading

The Church Isn’t Like a Family, It is a Family

Barnabas Piper | 29 Apr 2023

One of the kindest things you can say about friends is that “they feel like family.” It is a statement of trust, closeness, identity, and responsibility. When we describe friends this way we are reflecting something beautiful about God’s design and desire for humanity, that familial relationships are meant to be near and dear to us. We were made to be part of a family. ... continue reading

How to Make Visitors Feel Welcome at Your Church (Without Joining the Greeter Team)

Jen Oshman | 4 Apr 2023

Theologian and author Rebecca McLaughlin says, “An alone person in our gatherings is an emergency.” She and her husband have made a rule for themselves that anytime they see someone alone at their worship services, they must stop what they’re doing and go chat with or sit next to that person. ... continue reading

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