If you love reading then the chances are you’re part of a book club, or you know a group of people who are. Many have discovered that reading and sharing with others makes the enjoyment complete: We connect with each other, grow in relationship with one another and read new and thought-provoking books that change the way we think and feel.... continue reading
Many of us resolve to get the new year off to a good start with Bible reading. But if you haven’t got going yet, don’t worry. Here’s today’s devotion from our Explore Bible-reading notes. If you enjoy it, order yourself a copy of the whole three-month issue to keep going. Alternatively, you could get an annual subscription and your devotions will arrive quarterly, so you’ll be organised for the whole year!... continue reading
A sample from God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, which includes 92 foundational Bible stories, faithfully told and beautifully illustrated. The stories point to the one big story of the Bible—God making and keeping his promises.... continue reading
Many of us struggle to balance our busy schedules with as much time in God’s Word as we’d like. Or we want to dive deeper into the text, but we’re not sure where to begin. If you’re like me, you struggle to develop Bible-reading habits without becoming legalistic about how much time you’re spending with God. ... continue reading
One of the main ambitions of Engage 365 is to encourage you to dive into God’s word. Here’s a quick walkthrough of how you can use this resource to help you to handle, question and explore the Bible.... continue reading
Luke’s account of the actual resurrection is remarkably spare given its significance in the gospel message; he simply reports the words of the angels: “He is not here; he has risen!” (Luke 24:6). ... continue reading
When you think about it, your birthday is kind of weird. Each year, you have an entire day dedicated to being celebrated, sung to, stuffed with cake, and congratulated by everyone around you, for something that you contributed absolutely nothing to. You got born. Your contribution to the day of your birth, was, well, not exactly something you can boast in. If you don’t believe me, just ask your mother.... continue reading
Two disciples decide to trail Jesus as he leaves the Jordan River: the first is Andrew (the brother of Peter), while the second is generally speculated to be John (the author of this narrative). On the surface, it seems relatively straightforward. Andrew and John hear John the Baptiser proclaim, “Behold the Lamb of God!” and begin following Jesus as he makes his way back into town. Jesus, likely hearing footsteps trailing him, turns and asks what they want.... continue reading
There was a time not so many years ago when I was weary and jaded toward church, but even then, I could have given you a lengthy checklist of what a healthy church should look like.... continue reading
One morning during corporate worship, I leaned toward one of the little girls in our church, Summer, who was trying to read the lyrics and sing along, and asked her, “Do you like church?” She replied, “Not really, but I like the singing.” I appreciated her honesty! ... continue reading