Christmas Uncut (ebook)

Christmas Uncut ebook

What Really Happened and Why It Really Matters

from 10 reviews

The authentic Christmas story, told in a warm, winsome and witty way. Perfect for giving away.

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The nativity story is often seen as cute and cuddly and for kids. But that’s because some of what really happened at the first Christmas has been edited out of popular retellings! The full, unabridged, uncut story is full of twists and turns, controversy and mystery.

This best-selling book, now revised and updated, tells readers what really happened all those years ago, and why it really matters for our lives and futures today.

Warm and witty, short and easy to read, Christmas Uncut is perfect for giving out at Christmas services and events, or to family and friends.

Product details


  • Introduction
    Scene 1. Shock and Scandal (Mary)
    Scene 2. Meeting Royalty (The Angel)
    Scene 3. Take a Look (The Shepherds)
    Scene 4. Wise or Crazy? (The Magi)
    Scene 5. A Darker Christmas (King Herod)
    Scene 6. A Strange Prediction (The Old Man)
    Scene 7. The Baby Grew Up (Jesus)
    What Next?
    Yes, but isn't a lot of this made up?
    Yes, but surely Jesus didn't actually come back from the dead?


Contributors Carl Laferton
ISBN 9781784989224
Format eBook
First published September 2023
Language English
Publisher The Good Book Company
Customer reviews

6 Jan 2024

“Outreach Tool”

(Review written for 'Christmas Uncut')

This was a very quick read of the Christmas story. It feels like it is written for people who have never read the Christmas story in the Bible or know much about the Christian story at Christmas time. He refers in each chapter to Christmas pageants that don't tell the real story of the Bible in school or church situations, which wasn't as relatable to my experiences. It is engaging enough and some things stood out to me to consider, but overall nothing new for a practicing Christian who has read the Bible and attends a Bible believing church. I think it could be a great resource for those interested in the Christmas story as it points people to the Word and to Truth.

9 Dec 2023

“Handy little evangelism book for outreach, evangelism, and teaching kids”

(Review written for 'Christmas Uncut')

This is a handy little book would be great for evangelism and outreach. It would also be good for new believers and to work through with children. It goes through 7 scenes of the Christmas story detailing Mary, the angel, the shepherds, the magi, King Hero, the old man, and Jesus. The author opened each scene with a story about a nativity program which were often quite funny, but then would compare them to the truth of Scripture and what really happened and why that matters. The book ends with 2 “yes, but…” chapters. The first touches on why this is not all made up and how other historical accounts of the time fit with the gospel writers. The second ends the book with 7 points on the truth and validity of Jesus’s resurrection. I appreciated that the author included the last chapter because the birth and death of Christ go hand in hand.

29 Nov 2023

“Both a great resource and a convicting read”

(Review written for 'Christmas Uncut')

I loved Laferton’s creative approach and how he contrasted a children’s nativity play to what really happened at the first Christmas in this short, fast-paced, witty, and engaging read that also clearly presented the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Though I personally took my time with this book and read it as a daily devotional, at 80 pages it can easily be read in one or two sittings OR listened to as an audiobook in just under two hours.

Biblically and theologically sound, I consider Christmas Uncut to be both a great resource and a convicting read and am glad for the opportunity to review it.

Thank you, The Good Book Company, for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

Star Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐💫 / 4.25 - I really liked it!

20 Nov 2023

“Easy to read and informative for someone looking to explore more”

(Review written for 'Christmas Uncut')

This book takes Laferton’s experiences with the nativity play played out by children and contrasts it with what actually happened on Christmas. Giving the facts to what happened on Christmas, even the hard stuff that it’s as Christmas feel goody like King Herod murdering a bunch of children.
Laferton weaves the gospel narratives together as he presents what happened on Christmas, which does make the flow of the story easier, but I do wish he would at least footnote the specific verses quoted rather than just at the end of the section giving a reference to the verses referenced overall.
At the end of the book there are additional resources recommended and a section about the resurrection of Jesus, making this a great book for somebody who may have questions or is just exploring Christianity.
Overall, this is a short book that is easy to read. It is great for both people exploring the faith but also those who are already Christians.

29 Oct 2023

“Brief and Engaging Evangelistic Booklet”

(Review written for 'Christmas Uncut')

This brief evangelistic booklet is for people who aren't very familiar with the biblical Christmas story, and just have a cultural concept of it. Carl Laferton explains that there's a lot that doesn't show up in children's Christmas pageants, and he highlights elements that people typically gloss over. He shares parts of the story from the Bible in bold text, with his own commentary and clarifications in regular font. Each short chapter focuses on a different person from the Nativity story, and the final chapter explores the life of Jesus, contextualizing his birth at Christmas with his later life, death, and resurrection. At the end, the author also briefly addresses common questions that people ask about the credibility of the gospel accounts and the claim that Jesus rose from the dead.

This is an engaging, fast read. I enjoyed Laferton's writing style, and I laughed out loud at many of the real-life Christmas pageant anecdotes that he shared as chapter-openers. I read some of these to a family member when they were passing by, and they also laughed. Now I feel inspired to dig out the Christmas pageant mishap story that I wrote and illustrated in fifth grade, starring my stuffed animals. That definitely wasn't the author's intent here, but it's a nice byproduct, and I'm sure that other people will also appreciate Laferton's funny anecdotes, especially if they're reading this at a Christian friend's behest.

"Christmas Uncut" will appeal to people who are looking for a short introduction to what really happened when Jesus was born, what it means, and why it matters to us today. Whether someone is seeking resources about the Christian faith, wants to better understand what others believe, or is reading this because a friend begged them to, this is a great book that explains key details about Christianity in a concise, witty, and engaging way.

Note: I received a free copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

26 Oct 2023

“Fresh Insight on the Christmas Story”

(Review written for 'Christmas Uncut')

For seasoned believers, oftentimes we go through the Christmas motions when it comes to preparing our hearts for Advent. I loved how Laferton uses a familiar scene from our childhood Christmas plays to bring us back to what happened that first Christmas. I enjoyed that the book was both humourous and insightful and presented a clear message of WHY the Christmas story is important, and ended with the Gospel message. It's a quick read, only about an hour, and a wonderful resource for seasoned or new believers and skeptics! I would recommend it for a small group or outreach.

18 Oct 2023


(Review written for 'Christmas Uncut')

I think the author does a great job at bringing forward the conversation about Jesus, His birth, and Christmas time.
This book draws readers back to the Bible to read the account for themselves.
This book is a simple and quick read, at just over 75 pages.
I would recommend this book for non-believers, or new believers in their faith. This would also be a great resource to distribute as an evangelical outreach. I am impressed by the authors use of scripture throughout the entire book.

16 Oct 2023

“Brings the Gospel message very clearly”

(Review written for 'Christmas Uncut')

Christmas Uncut presents a less sugar-coated version of the Christmas story than we might normally see or hear, explaining what actually happened when Jesus was born and the true implications. And in doing so it brings the Gospel message very clearly to the reader.
I have been a Christian for about 30 years, but still learn new things all the time. This book pointed out something I don't think I had realised fully before. That is that when Jesus died on the cross, the eventual outcome of the Christmas story, that God, His Father, was angry. But not angry at those who put Jesus to death, or at us whose sin ultimately put Him there. But the anger was put upon Jesus. Jesus had to carry that anger, along with everything else, so that we don't have to. I found that quite a sobering, especially as a father.
And so thoughts like this do start to cut through the glitter and tinsel, to explain the "why" - why Jesus came to live on earth as we remind ourselves of every Christmas time.
This is a short, punchy explanation, ideal to use as a Church resource to giveaway in the build up to Christmas to those you may invite along to a Christmas service, especially for people who may be searching for a deeper understanding or looking into the Christian faith for the first time.

7 Oct 2023

“good for outreach”

(Review written for 'Christmas Uncut')

This book touches on the basic, yet difficult truths surrounding Christ's birth. I would classify this book as an evangelistic, outreach. The audience that would benefit the most from the content of this book is non-believers or new believers still seeking and learning.

The book covers every aspect of the Savior's birth including Mary the Virgin Mother, Angels, Shepherds, King Herod, Magi, and more. Each of these aspects have some details that are crucial to the Christmas story but often very difficult to reconcile. Laferton discusses each aspect by explaining the difficulty and discovering its truth.

The book concludes with going even further into Christ's ministry, death and resurrection and present-day. I believe this is the most beneficial portion of the book for those reading it as it provides practical thoughts and ideas on how to implement the truths the book presented.

It's a very short, simple read but could provide powerful testimony of Christ's birth to those who are still questioning.

I personally did not gain much from the content but did enjoy Laferton's writing style.

I received a copy of this book from The Good Book Company in exchange for an honest review.

11 Aug 2023

“Evangelism Opportunity”

(Review written for 'Christmas Uncut')

I great way to spur conversation about the birth of Jesus Christ. This book is a clear message that draws people back to read the account of Christ's birth in the Bible. We give this book away to our church members and encourage them to reach out to their co-workers, neighbors and friends.

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Christmas Uncut (ebook) | Carl Laferton |