“Not for me!”
I eagerly awaited my copy of 90 Days in Ruth, Jeremiah and 1 Corinthians by Mark Dever & Mike McKinley. But when I opened the book I was somewhat surprised - I should have used the 'look inside' link first. For a quality book of so many pages I was ready to settle down to some 'meaty' stuff. As a Christian for some 59 years I do admit to being well-read in evangelical theology - and this was probably the reason for my reaction. For those younger in the faith and who might enjoy the question-and-answer format I would seriously recommend this series, but for people like me I would suggest 'buyer beware'.
Hello, Sorry that this book didn’t edify you—we’ve found that the Explore format has almost always been well-received by mature, well-read Christians as much as new believers, and that the question-and-answer format helps (/challenges!) people to dig into the Bible text themselves to find fresh nuggets in it. If you’re looking for something a bit less ‘questiony’ and more ‘meaty’, have you tried the ‘God’s Word For You’ range? Many people use those for their devotional reading.