“Solid, Practical, and Encouraging”
This short, conversational book tackles tough topics in a gracious and winsome way. The author shares from her own experience and covers core biblical principles, exploring ways that parents can approach conversations about sexuality with young children and school-age kids. The book is well-organized and easy to follow, and the highly readable, personal writing style helps defuse some of the stress parents will feel around the topic. There are also bullet-point summaries at the end of each chapter for easy reference, reminding readers of principles and suggested practices from that chapter.
This book is thoughtful, compassionate, and nuanced. The author explains God’s vision for sexuality, as represented through the Bible and the created order, and she writes about ways that parents can start teaching their kids about sexuality and reproduction in age-appropriate ways early on.
She also writes about the impact of both chosen sin and unchosen brokenness on people’s bodies and lives, offers suggestions for LGBT-specific conversations, and shares biblical examples and encouragement for parents who are fearful about teaching counter-cultural concepts. The final chapter offers helpful, sensitive insight on how to respond when LGBT issues hit close to home, especially when a child is questioning their sexuality or comes out.
This book will appeal to Christian parents who want to teach a traditional biblical sexual ethic to their children, but who feel overwhelmed because of cultural opposition and their uncertainty about how to do things differently than their own parents. I also appreciate that the author doesn’t just write to parents, but addresses other important adults in a child’s life as well. Overall, this book is a solid resource, and its brevity will make it accessible to busy parents who don’t have time to read something more extensive.
I received a free copy from the publisher, and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.